
Newswise — LONDRES — El acondicionamiento para el embarazo tiene puntos en común con la preparación para correr una carrera. La alimentación, el ejercicio y evitar los hábitos poco saludables son medidas importantes para aumentar las posibilidades de quedar embarazada, según afirma la Licenciada en Medicina y Cirugía, May Al-Araji, experta en medicina familiar de Mayo Clinic Healthcare en
Newswise — LONDRES — A preparação física para a gravidez tem alguns pontos em comum com a preparação física para uma corrida. Dieta, exercícios e evitar hábitos não saudáveis são importantes para criar as condições para a gravidez, explica a Dra. May Al-Araji, especialista em medicina familiar na Mayo Clinic Healthcare, em Londres. “Geralmente, analisamos o estilo de
lululemon Reviews The best lululemon Black Friday scores to grab before they sell out! From the most popular leggings for women, to the best hoodies for men, and everyday-wear accessories. Whether you’re shopping for yourself or holiday gift shopping; this guide includes the best deals for everyone on your list. [embedded content]   This guide
Newswise — Toronto, ON – A new study published in the journal Substance Use and Misuse finds that while user-generated content and advertising content related to illegal muscle-building drugs is prohibited across all social media platforms, legal muscle-building dietary supplements faced few restrictions. “These findings are concerning given that the use of muscle-building dietary supplements
Newswise — New study finds association between insecticide exposure and lower sperm concentration in adult men  Comprehensive systematic review of 25 studies over nearly 50 years reveals consistent evidence of associations between insecticide exposure and lower sperm concentration  FAIRFAX, Va – Melissa J. Perry, Sc.D., MHS, dean of the George Mason University College of Public
Newswise — ESTIMADA MAYO CLINIC: Estou tentando entrar em forma, e uma área sempre desafiadora são os braços. Comecei a colocar em prática recentemente uma rotina de treino físico, mas um amigo me alertou sobre o risco de lesões. Poderia indicar algum conselho para evitar problemas? RESPOSTA: Ter braços com músculos bem definidos frequentemente é um objetivo
Are you training for your community’s Turkey Trot? Is this your first race? Colby Genrich, M.D., family medicine physician and sports medicine specialist at Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso, can speak on how to prepare and train for those Thanksgiving Day 5Ks.  Dr. Genrich can speak to and offer tips on: How to prepare
If you’re looking to stay in shape this winter and try something new, cross-country skiing is a sport worth exploring. As you navigate snow-covered terrain, you’ll be getting a full-body workout, engaging your muscles from head to toe. Unlike downhill skiing where gravity does most of the work for you, Cross-country skiing requires you to