A Guide To Men Over 50 Health And Fitness


Kick Bad Habits

If you smoke and drink alcohol, then you should definitely quit those habits or at the very least, reduce them.
Smoking is known for increasing your risk of developing cancer, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

If you’re over 50 and a smoker, this definitely increases your risk of developing these diseases significantly more. If you want to last the distance – get rid of the cigarettes, cigarillos, pipes or whatever else you smoke, because you’re much better off by quitting smoking. Alcohol also increases your risk of developing the same diseases and it even lowers testosterone. By quitting or reducing alcohol intake, you can lead a much healthier life – and stimulate your libido.

If you are a regular smoker or drink alcohol every day, or both, you won’t like what I’m saying at all. I get it. I’m sure everyone’s been in your ear about it – like forever. But I’m not here to sugar coat it – you won’t be around for much longer if you keep puffing the smokes and swilling the drinks. And the remaining years, when those pesky diseases grab hold of you, they aren’t fun either. I know – I’ve seen my dad and my aunt die of lung cancer due to being chain smokers. I’m very passionate about this, as you may have gathered by now.

And that old urban myths about the 95-year-old grandmother who smoked till her death and never got sick, same as the 89-year-old uncle who drinks 4 whiskeys every night and is ‘fit as a fiddle’ – better forget about them, because you won’t be so lucky – statistics tell you that.

Forgive me to burst your bubble but if you want to enjoy your golden years, have fun, be active, enjoy activities with kids and grandkids then you better reduce and ultimately ditch the cigarettes, and massively reduce the alcohol. Do it for yourself Man!

Get Regular Health Screenings

As you get older, it is important that you have regular screenings for common ailments that may be in their early stages. This can help you to prevent, reverse or treat the disease. For men over 50, it is important to do screenings for blood pressure, prostate cancer, cholesterol, colon cancer, and diabetes. These screenings are all relatively easy to do and you can talk to your doctor for more details.

Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important for good health and fitness. Sleep is important for people of all ages and continues to be even more important as you get older. I highly recommend that you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day. This will ensure that you always feel well rested and energetic on a daily basis.
I have a great tip for you: If your lifestyle allows for it, you can include some Power-Naps into your day.
Sleeping is so beneficial because it helps to boost your brain, increase immunity, improve problem solving, verbal memory, perceptual learning, object learning and statistical learning.
Sleeping also improves your reaction time, helps with logical reasoning, prevents fatigue and improves your mood.

Regular Exercise
Regular exercise is another essential aspect of good health and fitness for men over 50. Physical activity is a great way to improve your overall strength, balance, heart health, stamina etc. By working out regularly, you can even help to reduce your risk of developing lifestyle diseases, and dementia.
You can choose to workout in a gym, at home or you can even regularly take part in sports, and go for hikes. This will not only go a long way in preventing disease but will increase your energy levels and ability to enjoy life. After all, there is nothing more fulfilling than to be able to run around with your grandkids!
Eat A Healthy Diet
Eating healthy and nutritious food is the final tip while avoiding fast foods and unhealthy processed foods. The best thing you can do for your health and vitality is to eat real, unprocessed foods such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. If you have access to it and can afford it, choose organic foods.
Eat lean sources of proteins such as chicken breast, fish, and turkey. Additionally, you should drink at least eight glasses of water per day and cut back on juices and soft drinks which are full of sugar.
I have just introduced you to a quick guide for men over 50 health and fitness. These guidelines will definitely help you to live a more enjoyable life filled with health and happiness.
I will explore in more detail the various topics raised above to give you more in-depth advice to help you enjoy your life as a man in his mature years beyond age 50. Sign up for my newsletter to receive weekly articles, tips and advice to lead a healthy, active life full of vitality, energy and longevity.
This is Max Denby from Men’s Healthiness.com , signing off.
Make sure you come back to this channel for more information on Health, Nutrition, Longevity and Vitality for older Men.

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